further satisfy me that the terms "masculine" and "manly" and all such cognates have lost their meaning entirely.

But the commercialization of sex amongst the passive-homosexual cannot all be traced to salving consciences and restoring lost virility. The youth who solicits frequently does so for entirely different reasons. The young man who has long been pampered by a family of considerable means when left to his own devices might find it an "undesirable thing to soil his hands with honest work" so he turns to peddling his body. (It would be most practical I should think to examine the reasons for male prostitution in greater detail. I can but touch upon some of the more obvious reasons.) Reports indicate that many homosexuals are unskilled laborers. The pay for unskilled workers is low. The passive homosexual might seek payment for sex to supplement his low income. The soft living man might tend to live beyond his means which would also recommend the financial compensation for sex as a way out of debt.

As the unemployment situation worsens and as increased automation throws more unskilled men out of work homosexually inclinded men might turn to temporary prostitution. Their success in such a venture depends upon their honesty and frankness in stating reasons and intentions. and in winsome ways and whether they are handsome or attractive.

More ominous reasons for commercialization can be found. I have before me a few excerpts from the New York Youth Board Report on Drug Addiction.

Consider these descriptions of typical drug addicts: "Strong dependency needs often reflect in extreme symbiotic relations with the mother." And, "Confusion with regard to the sex roles. There is a high incidence


of homosexual traits among addicts." A crackdown on dope addiction, therefore, reveals a large number of homosexuals being arrested. There are more homosexuals who are addicts than those who are heterosexually inclined. Why?

The answer might lie in the nature of addiction itself. Contrary to the popular fiction that drugs pep the addict up the fact is that the addict is rendered generally passive to his surroundings. The so called "high" feeling is one of relaxation save in those few instances where the stamina of the person experiencing narcotics is for the moment greater than the strength of the dose.

Passivity is hardly the role of a man in heterosexual relations. And with the habit costing him more and more money sometimes mounting to $20 a shot, the homosexually inclined addict turns to a homosexual who is willing to pay for sexual relations as a source of cash and certain continued and sustained income.

The menace of drug addiction in a community is severe enough to create considerable concern. I would think that the most calloused and perverted person would be the only one who could not think of addiction as a criminal activity that must be wiped


The depraved are a menace to the public welfare and must be separated from the ordinary and decent minded. citizens thus ensuring the moral safety of children and the community at large.

Sexual attacks on small boys and girls are another violation of public decency. I would recommend that no distinction should be made as to the sex of the child thus removing the charge that the attacker was a homosexual and therefore homosexualism must be stamped out. Rather the crime should be considered in the same category as rape and punished